Cardinal Environmental Consulting LLC

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Shop Local!

As we enter the final weekend before Christmas and mad-dash for last minute gifts, it’s an ideal time to stress the value in shopping locally.  There are many well documented financial benefits to our communities, and to us individually, but there are environmental impacts as well, including:

·       Requiring less transportation

·       Less sprawl

·       Less congestion

·       Reduced habitat loss and pollution

Many of us will still use on-line sources as well, but have you ever considered what the impacts are to get that package to your front door? That travel required could amount to thousands of miles and the obvious increased use of fossil fuels (that’s a topic for a different day), and increased emissions. Let’s also not forget how increased traffic, and those poorly maintained vehicles (e.g. leaking oil pans or radiators), are able to affect that that nearby stream.

Several townships and municipalities across the nation, including Bridgewater Township in New Jersey, have recently initiated programs to give property tax credits to homeowners for shopping locally at participating businesses.  Kudos to those folks! So for this holiday season, and into 2016, let’s hope more towns join the movement which will ultimately strengthen the economic base of our local communities, and reduce the impact(s) on our environment.  

*photo courtesy of Lake Forest Graduate School of Management.