Cardinal Environmental Consulting LLC

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Compliance with Remedial Timeframes

The May 2016 deadline for many remedial (investigation) cases has recently passed; however, Persons Responsible for Conducting Remediation (PRCRs) should not put the brakes on forward progress.  Ideally, extensions or other methods of communication were taken prior to the specified date to demonstrate to the NJDEP that action is being taken, or that a timeframe was likely to be missed, but wallowing in defeat never served any purpose (on any level). Regulators and consultants alike understand the complexities when investigating and/or remediating a site, but the easiest course of action is simple communication.  Don’t overthink it.  A phone call, an email, snail mail…take some measures to discuss the matter with the folks in Trenton and keep pressing forward. 

The first step in the process is to retain (or continue to work with) an experienced Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) to direct the remedial efforts, and right the ship.   The ultimate goal is to avoid direct oversight by the NJDEP, maintain control of your site’s remediation, and keep cleanup costs down. 

As the NJDEP likes to stress:

Site Remediation Costs < Site Remediation Costs + Penalties + Legal Fees

At Cardinal Environmental, we have the experience to get you through your remedial situation, regardless of the size, or scope.  Additionally, with over two decades in the industry, we have established relationships in the environmental community (including the NJDEP) to get your project on a cost-effective remedial course that meets your long-term goals. For further information on how we can assist you with LSRP services, and/or environmental solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or