LSRPs & Professional Judgment

There are over 600 Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRPs) in New Jersey, and expect the professional judgment of each to cover the whole gamut of environmental (remediation) interpretations and/or recommendations.  The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) recognized this several years ago; however, numerous technical guidance documents are available to site practitioners that, when used in conjunction with regulatory requirements, should allow LSRPs to use their professional judgment and close remedial cases quicker than has been done in the past.  To date, the process has been relatively successful and will only continue to improve in the future, but be wary of the varying degrees of professional judgment by LSRPs.  As with any profession, experience affects judgment, so don't hesitate to properly vet an LSRP before retaining them.  Understanding their level of professional competency and comfort levels with rendering specific environmental decisions will ultimately impact the success (or failure) of a project.


For further information regarding the LSRP program, or how we can help you navigate through the NJDEP regulatory process, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Thomas Francis, LSRP, LEED AP+