Effective Communication-Vapor Intrusion Investigations Vol. V

As a continuation of our Vapor Intrusion Investigation (VII) series, we’ll take a quick look at one of the basic fundamentals for conducting a thorough VII:  effective communication with a homeowner.  Whether you’re collecting exterior soil gas samples, running 24-hour indoor air tests, or completing a building survey/questionnaire with a homeowner, if you cannot properly communicate what you’re doing and why, then you significantly decrease your odds of conducting a successful VII.  You may also never get past the front door! (As always, there is plenty of research, data, and guidance on this topic but the objective of this series is to “simplify” the discussion).  

It is vital to understand your client, who may also be the homeowner and/or occupant of where a VII may be necessary.  Put aside your budget, and that you only have 1-hour for an interview, and actually focus on your client’s concerns, fears, and questions.  Don’t just hear them, but actually listen!  Chances are, they are more confused than you realize, and to build their trust, here are some basic tips:

  •  Explain the rationale for the testing…clearly, and minimize the “technical jargon.”
  • Answer all questions directly…don’t deviate, or be cryptic. 
  • If you don’t know the answer, tell them that, but be sure to tell them that you’ll follow-up with an answer (and make sure you follow-up right away!).
  • Ask permission for everything in advance.  This includes inspecting closets, basements, cabinets, and generally anywhere where you suspect potential background contaminants may be present.  No homeowner or occupant wants a nosy stranger going through their house or personal belongings.
  • Schedule everything in advance…and be prompt.
  • Dress professionally…yes, this makes a difference.
  • And most importantly, be polite.  (You’d be surprised how often people forget this one)

As discussed and stressed in our prior posts, this is why hiring that skilled practitioner is a good idea…as they’ll understand the value in spending the extra time communicating with the homeowner / occupant(s) / client, and building their trust.  Taking along younger staff members to observe and assist is also strongly recommended. Barring any contractual or confidentiality issues, always share your analytical results promptly. Once you have earned your client’s trust (and respect), any necessary follow-up activities, which could include mitigation, will be that much easier to discuss and potentially implement.   

We hope that you find these posts informative, and relatively useful, and your feedback is always welcome. For further information regarding the Vapor Intrusion Investigation process, please don't hesitate to contact us. tfrancis@cardinallsrp.com