May 17, 2021 - NJDEP Adopts New Remediation Standards

On May 17, 2021, the NJDEP adopted amended rules at N.J.A.C. 7:26D. Included in the amended rules are soil and soil leachate remediation standards for the migration to ground water exposure pathway and indoor air remediation standards for the vapor intrusion exposure pathway. Numerous changes in the remediation standards are certain to impact current, future, and closed remediation sites. The phase-in period for the updated rules is six months from May 17, 2021, with certain exceptions (e.g., previously approved Remedial Action Workplan, etc.). Several of the key changes include:

  • Replacement of "Direct Contact” Soil Remediation Standards with “Ingestion-Dermal” and “Inhalation” exposure pathways.

  • Default “Impact to Groundwater Soil Screening Levels” have been replaced with soil and leachate remediation standards for the new “Migration to Groundwater” exposure pathway.

  • Replacement of “Indoor Air Screening Levels” with “Indoor Air” Remediation Standards.

For additional information on these remediation standard changes & how they may impact your project, please contact or

Specific details are available on the NJDEP’s site:[EXTERNAL]: Adoption of Remediation Standards and Updates to Alternative Remediation Standards Technical Guidance (

At Cardinal Environmental, we have the experience to get you through your remedial situation and provide realistic costs up-front, regardless of the size, or scope.  Additionally, with over two decades in the industry, we have established relationships in the environmental community to get your project on a cost-effective remedial course that meets your long-term goals.