Underground Storage Tanks

New Jersey Residential Underground Storage Tanks: Contractor Tips Volume 1: “Contracts”

Last month, Cardinal Environmental Consulting discussed the topic of Unregulated Heating Oil Tanks (UHOT) in New Jersey, and the forthcoming legislation that will allow for small amounts of contamination to be left behind (see New Jersey Unregulated Heating Oil Tanks & The Deed Notice “Light”), but for this post, we decided it was important to list some key points for homeowners to consider when having an Underground Storage Tank (UST) removed and some tips to be aware of when hiring a contractor:                                                                            

  • Ensure that the UST contractor you’re hiring is certified & insured…and ask for copies.
  • Ensure that the UST contractor calls for a utility mark-out (and get a copy of the mark-out ticket). It’s the law in New Jersey.
  • Let your contractor know where all of the “private” utilities are on your property beforehand, including irrigation and electric lines if you know where they are.  Contractors are not (and shouldn’t be) responsible for unknown utilities…but they are very skilled and avoiding them if they are told ahead of time.
  • Read the fine print at the end of the contract.  Often times a residential UST contractor will provide a price to coordinate, remove, and dispose of the UST only.  If contaminated soils are identified, it will be an added cost to remediate.  For example: If the contract price you received says $5,000…that doesn’t usually include the excavation, transportation, and disposal of contaminated soils.  However, ask what will happen if contaminated soils are discovered, and discuss the price per ton if soils need to be excavated.  This generally ranges between $75 and $95 per ton. 
  • Analysis costs for soil samples are often not included. Waste classification (WC) samples are sometimes collected, but the actual analysis may be an added cost. Discuss sampling and analysis prior to selecting your contractor. Note: the WC samples are used to let a disposal facility know what they are “accepting.” 

And last, but not least:

  • Have the contractor include the cost to include mats or other means of protecting your lawn when the work is being performed. This includes keeping the removed UST on heavy plastic after it’s pulled.  It’s understandable that there may be some minor disturbances to the grass and/or ground surface, but there’s no reason for two (2) foot deep ruts!

As we’ve stressed in the past, there are many good, reputable environmental consulting and contracting firms that do honest work and put in the effort to minimize the stress of removing USTs, however, you should also understand the proposed scope of work and costs, prior to signing any contract.  Understand what you’re paying for and what the expectations are.  Stay tuned for future discussions on this topic as there are plenty of items to cover!

At Cardinal Environmental, we have the experience to get you through your remedial situation and provide realistic costs up-front, regardless of the size, or scope.  Additionally, with over two decades in the industry, we have established relationships in the environmental community to get your project on a cost-effective remedial course that meets your long-term goals. For further information on how we can assist you with Underground Storage Tank solutions and/or LSRP services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at tfrancis@cardinalLSRP.com or www.cardinalLSRP.com