Field Investigation Tips Volume III: Extreme Cold

As the temperature dips into the frigid range on the east coast, and as a continuation of our discussion on Field Investigation Tips, we’ll take a quick look at another salient concern when working in the elements: extreme cold.  Much like our previous topics (Field Investigation Tips Vol. 1: Working in the Rain, and Vol. II: Subsurface Utilities), there are inherent difficulties when required to work in frigid temperatures. My personal cut-off is about 20°F, just based on experience. At that point things start to get interesting and/or more challenging.  So, in the spirit of keeping things relatively simple, listed below are some key tips (in no particular order) that could be used by environmental practitioners working outside this time of year.  As always, safety is paramount!  

Cold Weather Tips:

·  Tip #1: Plan ahead! Can the work be postponed? Plan to have this conversation early on.

·  Tip #2: Is your Health & Safety Plan (HASP) up to date?  Heed “basic” safety issues including slips / trips / falls; make sure you have that tailgate safety meeting before commencing work; don’t rush.

·   Tip #3: Layer up! Also invest in some good coveralls, wool socks, good gloves, under-armor, etc.

·  Tip #4: Purchase hand and foot warmersThis is an inexpensive option, and effective.  Stuff ‘em in your boots and pockets. (note: make sure they’re not outdated or 3 yrs old!).

·   Tip #5: Take safety breaks to warm up in a car, shed, etc.  BUT…keep the heat relatively low as going back and forth from hot to cold is a bad idea!

·   Tip #6: Know the signs of hypothermia and cold stress… and look out for your fellow colleagues and subcontractors working alongside you.

· Tip #7: PIDs & other meters (e.g. DataRams) may not be rated for frigid temperatures, so be sure to check with your supplier in advance.  

· Tip #8: When conducting monitoring well sampling, expect your tubing to freeze, along with an array of other things malfunctioning or freezing…including pumps.   

· Tip #9: Expect your backhoe, excavator, Geoprobe®, or drill rig to have some difficulty in the upper three (3) feet as they need to get through the frost layer.

·  Tip #10: Drink plenty of water!! Cold weather increases your risk of dehydration.

Stay tuned for future Field Investigation Tips in the upcoming weeks…as there are plenty of lessons to be learned and shared, which could ultimately make our jobs easier and safer! We hope that you find these posts informative, and relatively useful, and your feedback is always welcome. For further information please don't hesitate to contact us. ,